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Volunteer Services / Community Relations

Photo of Sherry Marose

Sherry Marose 

Director of Volunteer Services and Community Relations

Giving Back Makes all the Difference, Volunteer!

The Camdenton School District’s Volunteers in Public Schools Program (VIPS) is looking for volunteers to provide an extra helping hand this school year. The VIPS program is comprised of many volunteers and the need continues to grow. Anyone interested in listening to students read, helping teachers with classroom projects, giving clerical assistance, or supporting our staff in the many ways available to volunteers, please call the Camdenton School District Office of Volunteer Services at (573) 346-9243. When you are a VIPS volunteer, you can help the teacher provide additional individualized attention to students, stimulate interest and motivation, and help reinforce skills. You can also supplement and enrich the educational program by bringing to school a special talent or skill, help with classroom preparation, or giving clerical assistance that teachers may need. The VIPS program reaches all the Camdenton District Schools. Keep in mind, wherever you live, there is an opportunity available to volunteer!

Camdenton Laker Volunteer
Volunteer Services
(573) 346-9243

Volunteers in Public Schools