General Health Information
The following information is provided to help parents regarding certain conditions that require exclusion from school. Students will be excluded from school for:
- Fever of 100 degrees or over
- Undiagnosed rashes
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Fainting
- Red, inflamed eyes (pink eye) until diagnosed and treated, if necessary
- Impetigo (a contagious skin condition, with crusty areas, especially around the nose and mouth)
- Head Lice (Live lice until properly treated. See complete lice policy.
- Scabies (excluded until appropriate medical treatment)
- Common childhood diseases (State Regulations)
- Chickenpox (excluded for seven days from onset of rash)
- Strep Throat (following a positive throat culture, the child must be on antibiotics and without fever for 24 hours before returning to school)
Students sent home ill, with elevated temperatures, vomiting or diarrhea, are asked to be kept home until they are symptom-free for 24 hours. Many children are sent home ill one day, return the next and need to be sent home again because they have not recovered.
We appreciate parents sharing the diagnosis and treatment of children sent to physicians so we can be alert to possible problems in other children (pink eye, head lice, strep throat, worms, etc.)
Medicine Policy
In an effort to help ensure good health and safety for the students of our school, we have established the following guidelines:
- Do not send medicine to school with your child. An adult must bring any medication to the nurse's office.
- Medications prescribed (or given) three times a day should be given at home: before school, after school and at bed time.
- All medications (prescribed and over-the-counter) must be presented to the school nurse/office staff in the original container that is properly labeled with the child's name, doctor's name, date, dose and time of administration.
- Medications must be accompanied by a signed consent form from the parent for staff to administer. This consent must include instructions (dose, time, frequency) which concur with prescription/medication label.
- A separate form must be completed for children with long-term health conditions requiring daily or frequent medications. Please contact your school nurse.
Medications that fail to meet this criteria will not be given.