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Early Childhood Programs:

Parents as Teachers (PAT)

PAT helps to establish positive partnerships between home, school and the community and plays a vital role in supporting families and children – from the very beginning – toward school readiness.

A trained parent educator provides home visits with families to promote early learning, knowledge, and understanding of important developmental milestones. Periodic screenings increase parents’ understanding of their children’s developmental progress, as well as inform them of any possible delays. Early intervention for identified concerns helps improve school readiness for young children.

This evidence-based early childhood program is designed to offer regularly scheduled family personal visits, annual developmental screenings, monthly group connections and access to a network of resources. These components are integral in supporting and preparing children, families, schools, and communities for school readiness. The PAT program provides opportunities to assist families with a smooth transition into preschool and kindergarten. To inquire about services, please call 573-317-3446.


Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

ECSE services are designed for young children (ages 3-5) with disabilities who need specially designed instruction or related services and whose disability(ies) causes the children to be unable to participate in developmentally appropriate typical preschool activities. School districts are required by law to ensure that developmentally appropriate ESCE programs and services are available. ECSE programs and services ensure that all children with disabilities have a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) that is designed to meet their unique needs and enable them to make progress in acquiring knowledge and skills, improving social relationships, and learning to take action to meet their needs within the general education program. Depending upon space, we offer some integrated classrooms where typically developing peers serving as peer models are included with the 50/50 ratio of students with IEPs. To enroll your child please call 573-317-3446.

School Age Supports:

English Learners (EL) Services

The EL program services children who have limited proficiency in the English language by focusing on language acquisition within the student’s general education classroom and curriculum. The overall goal of the various programs is to improve the English language skills of EL students, immigrant students, and migrant students and provide information to their parents about services available.

Immigrant Education

Services are provided to students who are ages three to 21, were not born in the United States, and who have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more state(s) for more than three full academic years.

Migrant Education

A child whose family must move frequently for the purpose of seasonal agricultural employment qualifies for migrant education services. These services are provided to allow the student the opportunity to advance his/her academic achievement, with the ultimate goal of graduation from high school.

Homebound Instruction

a. Medical Purposes

Students with special health problems, temporary illnesses, or injuries that prevent their attendance in school shall be provided with instruction in the home, in the hospital, or at another site as determined by the school. Homebound instruction shall be provided for students who:

     1. have an injury that will require absence for more than three weeks.

     2. have a chronic illness that may result in fifteen (15) instructional days missed over the period of the school year.

b. Non-Medical Homebound

Homebound instruction may be provided to a student identified as eligible for special education services in an alternative setting if it is determined by the IEP team, after a review of all interventions and data, to be the least restrictive environment.

c. Suspensions

Homebound instruction may also be provided to students who are suspended from school if the building and/or IEP/504 team deems appropriate.

Gifted Education / Capstone

Gifted education is offered to provide academically aligned education for advanced students, to teach gifted students skills needed in their careers and lives, to meet their social and emotional needs, and to keep them engaged in school. Students must meet district eligibility criteria to access the Capstone program.

Section 504 Program

Children who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity(ies) may qualify for Section 504 Nondiscrimination Plan. The Section 504 Nondiscrimination Plan details the placement and accommodations the child requires due to his/her impairment within the school environment to access his/her school and programming.

Special Education (K-12)

Special Education and related services are provided in all buildings to children who meet the eligibility criteria through an evaluation process outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Services are provided to eligible students from kindergarten to age 21 according to a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) developed to meet his/her unique educational needs.

Homeless Services

The district’s School-to-Home Coordinators assist, support, and advocate for children and youth experiencing homelessness and transitional living situations. This program operates under the mandates and guidance of federal law. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, and is designed to eliminate barriers to education for students who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence.